Lời giải ĐỀ THI IELTS 27/06/2019
Lời giải Task 1:
The bar chart illustrates the number of visitors to a museum from 1997 to 2012 in terms of three different categories.
Overall, it is clear that by far the highest number of visitors were adults. The number of visitors aged under 15 declined over the period.
There were 300,000 visitors to the museum in 1997, and this number rose to over 320,000 in 2002 and 400,000 in 2007. However, the figure fell to about 380,000 in 2012.
In comparison, the figures for the other categories of visitors were much lower. The number of visitors aged under 15 decreased steadily during this period. Initially, this figure was 120,000 in 1997, but it then fell to 100,000 in 2002. The numbers then declined further to 90,000 and 82,000 in 2007 and 2012, respectively.
By contrast, the number of visitors to special exhibitions witnessed a steady rise. From 28,000 in 1997, the number rose steadily to reach a peak of 42,000 at the end of the period.
164 words
Written by NgocBach
Lời giải Task 2:
It may be possible to predict scientifically if children will grow up and turn to crime. While this may suggest some link to human nature, I believe that children all have the chance to grow up and become law-abiding citizens.
It seems absurd to condemn children as evil criminals at the age of 3. Parents have an enormous influence on shaping a child’s values during the formative years of a child’s life. Children often copy, or are influenced by, the patterns of behavior which they observe in their parents. For example, in a dysfunctional family there is often a lack of parental involvement in the upbringing of children. The failure to teach ethical values such as honesty and concern for others, may combine with social factors such as living in deprived neighborhoods so that children are already damaged as they prepare to enter adult life.
It is possible to deter children from embarking on a life of crime. Firstly, in schools, ex-prisoners who have served their sentences and been re-integrated back into the community should be invited to talk about their experiences and warn children that it is not glamorous to be a criminal. This is already done in some schools in the UK, for instance. Secondly, all adults in society have a responsibility to provide children with good role models. Modern consumer culture has a negative influence on individual families, with the result that children learn that it is more important to have things than to be a good member of the community.
In conclusion, if criminal behavior is linked to human nature, then there is no hope for young children who are identified as criminals by some ‘experts’. On the contrary, children can be led away from a life of crime.
293 words
Written by NgocBach
Vocabulary from crime and punishment:
- to turn to crime/ drugs
Meaning: To start committing crimes or using drugs.
Example: During periods of high youth unemployment, some youngsters turn to crime to obtain money.
- law-abiding citizens
Meaning: people who obey and respect the law
Example: The government could take some effective steps to protect law-abiding citizens.
- to embark on something
Meaning: To start something new
Example: Young people sometimes embark on a life of crime as a result of the bad influence of criminals whom they know.
- to serve a prison sentence
Meaning: to carry out confinement in prison as a punishment
Example: They are serving long prison sentences for their part in the assassination.
- to reintegrate back into society/ community
Meaning: to restore someone through education or therapy
Example: There is an increasing focus among policy-makers and practitioners on identifying programs and strategies that will help prisoners successfully reintegrate back into their communities without re-offending.
Vocabulary from family and children:
- to shape a child’s personality/ values
Meaning: to decide or influence the form of a child’s personality
Example: Parents are very influential in shaping their children’s personality through the example that they set.
- formative years
Meaning: A period of a person’s life, usually childhood, that has a big influence on the person they become later in life
Example: UNICEF states that the early childhood years from birth through age 8 are formative years in terms of intelligence, personality and social behavior.
- patterns of behavior
Meaning: ways of acting and doing things (either positive or negative)
Example: Patterns of behaviour copied from parents often influence the way that children grow up.
- a dysfunctional family
Meaning: a family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy
Example: Children who come from a dysfunctional family often exhibit behavioral problems at school.
- parental involvement
Meaning: the act or process of parents when taking part in their children’s activities.
Example: Parental involvement allows parents to monitor school and classroom activities, and to coordinate their efforts with teachers to encourage acceptable classroom behavior and ensure that the child completes schoolwork.
- to enter adult life
Meaning:the stage when adolescents are almost old enough to be legally independent of their parents
Example: Parents who have devoted time and thought to raising and educating their children have given them a good prepartion to enter adult life.
- negative influences on individual families
Meaning: negative meaning bad; influences meaning effects; on individual families refers to each nuclear family - a couple and their children, rather than families in general;
Example: Based on the research, the negative influences on individual families could be lessened with more support from the government.
Other vocabulary:
- to condemn [verb]:
Meaning: to express very strong disapproval of something/somebody
Example: The government made a statement condemning the killings.
- deprived [adjective]:
Meaning: without enough food, education and all the things that are necessary for people to live a happy and comfortable life
Example: She lives in a deprived area of the city, where there is no clean water or electricity.
- glamorous [adjective]:
Meaning: especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people
Example: The big houses in Hollywood are owned by glamorous movie stars.
Ghi chú
Vocabulary from crime and punishment:
- to turn to crime/ drugs
Meaning: To start committing crimes or using drugs.
Example: During periods of high youth unemployment, some youngsters turn to crime to obtain money.
- law-abiding citizens
Meaning: people who obey and respect the law
Example: The government could take some effective steps to protect law-abiding citizens.
- to embark on something
Meaning: To start something new
Example: Young people sometimes embark on a life of crime as a result of the bad influence of criminals whom they know.
- to serve a prison sentence
Meaning: to carry out confinement in prison as a punishment
Example: They are serving long prison sentences for their part in the assassination.
- to reintegrate back into society/ community
Meaning: to restore someone through education or therapy
Example: There is an increasing focus among policy-makers and practitioners on identifying programs and strategies that will help prisoners successfully reintegrate back into their communities without re-offending.
Vocabulary from family and children:
- to shape a child’s personality/ values
Meaning: to decide or influence the form of a child’s personality
Example: Parents are very influential in shaping their children’s personality through the example that they set.
- formative years
Meaning: A period of a person’s life, usually childhood, that has a big influence on the person they become later in life
Example: UNICEF states that the early childhood years from birth through age 8 are formative years in terms of intelligence, personality and social behavior.
- patterns of behavior
Meaning: ways of acting and doing things (either positive or negative)
Example: Patterns of behaviour copied from parents often influence the way that children grow up.
- a dysfunctional family
Meaning: a family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy
Example: Children who come from a dysfunctional family often exhibit behavioral problems at school.
- parental involvement
Meaning: the act or process of parents when taking part in their children’s activities.
Example: Parental involvement allows parents to monitor school and classroom activities, and to coordinate their efforts with teachers to encourage acceptable classroom behavior and ensure that the child completes schoolwork.
- to enter adult life
Meaning:the stage when adolescents are almost old enough to be legally independent of their parents
Example: Parents who have devoted time and thought to raising and educating their children have given them a good prepartion to enter adult life.
- negative influences on individual families
Meaning: negative meaning bad; influences meaning effects; on individual families refers to each nuclear family - a couple and their children, rather than families in general;
Example: Based on the research, the negative influences on individual families could be lessened with more support from the government.
Other vocabulary:
- to condemn [verb]:
Meaning: to express very strong disapproval of something/somebody
Example: The government made a statement condemning the killings.
- deprived [adjective]:
Meaning: without enough food, education and all the things that are necessary for people to live a happy and comfortable life
Example: She lives in a deprived area of the city, where there is no clean water or electricity.
- glamorous [adjective]:
Meaning: especially attractive and exciting, and different from ordinary things or people
Example: The big houses in Hollywood are owned by glamorous movie stars.