Hướng dẫn làm bài ĐỀ THI IELTS 9/03/2019
Hướng dẫn Task 1:
Report Plan:
- Paraphrase paragraph: show>compare/illustrate; punctuality>arriving on time; make 1 sentence for each chart
- Overview/summary paragraph: (first chart) – most years the company did not achieve the target figure; (second chart) – the number of complaints increased over the period.
- Paragraph 3 (first chart): select and report the actual and target figures and describe the trends for actual punctuality
- Paragraph 4 (second chart): compare the number of complaints over the period, describing the trend.
Hướng dẫn Task 2:
Essay Plan:
- Introduction: refer to the task question. Give my opinion – I agree with the second view
- Paragraph 2: films should only entertain. An escape from the stress of daily life – e.g. ‘Mission Impossible’.
- Paragraph 3: films should also teach/make us think – historical themes, e.g. ‘Titanic’; even future themes – e.g. ‘Jurassic Park’ stimulates interest in dinosaurs.
- Conclusion: films should instruct as well as entertain.