Hướng dẫn làm bài ĐỀ THI IELTS 30/11/2019
Hướng dẫn Task 1:
Report Plan:
- Paraphrase paragraph: describe the table (sentence 1); describe the pie chart (sentence 2). Country of origin>originating in 5 countries
- Overview/summary paragraph: (1) the table – most people live in Australian cities (2) the pie chart – most people were born in Australia
- Paragraph 3: select and report figures for the pie chart, making comparisons
- Paragraph 4: select and report figures for the table, making comparisons
Hướng dẫn Task 2:
Essay Plan:
- Introduction: refer to the task question. State my opinion – countries should try to produce all the food for their own people
- Paragraph 2: argument for imported food: greater variety (e.g. tea and coffee in the UK) or foods that can be eaten out of season (e.g. strawberries in winter)
- Paragraph 3: (1) economic arguments against importing food e.g. best land is used to grow export crops in the developing world, instead of growing food for local people. In the developed world, more local food production = more local jobs (2) environmental arguments: food miles = environmental damage.
- Conclusion: all countries should try to return to full self-sufficiency in terms of growing food for their own people.