Lời giải ĐỀ THI IELTS 27/10/2018
Lời giải Task 1:
Lời giải Task 2:
It is true that in contemporary society, sport has become a multi-billion dollar sector of the economy, with the involvement of a wide range of enterprises. In my opinion, this development has wholly negative consequences for sport.
Money has entered into every aspect of sport itself. In football, for example, the top players like Neymar and Ronaldo are millionaires whose names appear on T-shirts worn by sports fans all over the world. However, it is not only the players who earn handsome salaries. Teams themselves attract huge investments, whether these investors are Arab oil princes, sports merchandising enterprises such as Nike, or companies in related fields like Sky in the media or Ferrari and BMW in automobiles. Professional sport is performed in expensive venues, and dream stadiums where lavish corporate hospitality facilities are provided.
All such developments have had a totally negative impact on sport. Firstly, people have become spectators, not participants, with media audiences numbering millions globally. Young boys, for instance, could imagine that one day they would play for their local teams, but now their football heroes will most likely come from some far country. Secondly, marketing in sport has become associated with winning, and companies wish to be identified with success. This has replaced the image of sport as simple recreation and fun, in which taking part was more important than a win-at-all costs attitude.
In conclusion, I would argue that with the dominance of money and business in sport, its true role as a means of recreation and fun has been lost. The consequences of this development are completely negative.
264 words.
Written by NgocBach
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Vocabulary from sport and exercise:
- sports fans
Meaning: people who take a keen interest in sport
Example: Some sports fans spend a lot of money to watch their favourite team.
- sports merchandising
Meaning: the activity of selling products connected with a sport or sportsperson
Example: Sports merchandising is a multi-billion dollar business worldwide, in the form of T-shirts and sports equipment.
- a win-at-all-costs attitude
Meaning: an idea that a match or competition must be won, using all possible means.
Example: Youth sport is being ruined by a win-at-all-costs attitude, which includes cheating and breaking the rules in order to achieve victory.
Other vocabulary:
- contemporary [adjective]:
Meaning: belonging to the present
Example: She prefers contemporary music, such as rap.
- handsome salaries [expression]:
Meaning: high salaries or wages
Example: They were promised promotion to important jobs in the company, with handsome salaries.
- venue [noun]:
Meaning: a place where people meet for an organised event
Example: The band will play at 10 different venues during their US tour.
- lavish [adjective]:
Meaning: impressive and usually expensive
Example: He had a lavish birthday party at the Hilton Hotel.
- corporate hospitality [noun]:
Meaning: food, drink or services that are provided by a company for customers, managers etc
Example: The Real Madrid stadium has special rooms that are rented by companies for corporate hospitality on match days.
- to number [verb]:
Meaning: to make a particular number when added together
Example: The crowd in the square numbered more than 1,000.
- to be/to become associated with [expression]:
Meaning: if one thing is associated with another, the two things are connected because they happen together
Example: The US President became associated with a policy of free trade between countries.
- dominance [noun]:
Meaning: the fact of having a lot of control over something/somebody
Example: The quality of VW cars enabled the company to achieve dominance in the world market.
- recreation [noun]:
Meaning: the fact of doing something for enjoyment
Example: His job is very stressful, so he likes quiet hobbies such as walking and bird-watching for recreation.