Hướng dẫn làm bài ĐỀ THI IELTS 24/02/2019
Hướng dẫn Task 1:
Report Plan:
- Paraphrase paragraph: plan>diagram; shows>compares
- Overview/summary paragraph: (1) Japanese office – the Department Manager is in the centre (2) American office – conference rooms are part of the plan
- Paragraph 3: compare where the Department Managers and Section Managers sit
- Paragraph 4: compare where the workers sit and mention the conference and other rooms in the American office.
Hướng dẫn Task 2:
Essay Plan:
- Introduction: refer to the question statement. My opinion: some wild animals, but not all, should be protected
- Paragraph 2: moral argument for protecting all wild animals from exploitation or slaughter – examples, elephants, whales
- Paragraph 3: practical argument for only protecting animals in danger of extinction. Need to regulate numbers of many species – example, rats.
- Conclusion: impossible to save all wild animals, so give priority to endangered species.