Lời giải ĐỀ THI IELTS 24/02/2019

Lời giải Task 1:

The diagram compares the layout of a typical office in Japan and America.

Overall, it is clear that the Department Manager occupies a central position in the Japanese office. In the American office, conference rooms are included in the plan.

In the Japanese office, the Department Manager sits in front of the large window in the centre. The American office, however, has two windows, one on each side of the room, and the desk of the Department Manager is in the corner of the room on the right. While in the Japanese office the Section Managers sit in front of the Department Manager, the Section Managers in the American office sit at the side of the Department Manager, but also in front of one of the windows.

There are two conference rooms, a printer/copier room and a storage area in the American office, on the left side. In contrast, these are absent in the Japanese office. The desks of the workers in the Japanese office are in front of the Section Managers, whereas the American office workers occupy separate individual desks. Finally,  there is a chair outside the Japanese office for people waiting to enter the room.

197 words

Written by NgocBach

Lời giải Task 2:

It is true that people hold different opinions about the extent to which wild animals should be protected. While it is difficult to justify the protection of every wild animal, I believe that some wild animals ought to be protected.

On the one hand, some people put forward the moral argument that humans have no right to kill any animal in the wild. They argue that it is a violation of animal rights.  They believe that it is necessary for everyone to treat animals humanely, and they correctly condemn the many forms of animal exploitation, animal suffering and even animal slaughter in the world today. For example, animal lovers will argue the need to eliminate poaching of elephants in Africa or India and to establish more wildlife reservesIn terms of the oceans, there is an international campaign for an end to the practice of whaling.

On the other hand, I tend to agree with those who argue that only animals on the brink of extinction should be protected. Their views combine practical and moral arguments.  Although they recognise the ethical dilemmas, they believe that the numbers of some species of animals must be regulated.  Rats, for example, are everywhere and they are a danger to human health, contaminating food and water and carrying diseases.  If their numbers were not reduced, the consequences would be serious. Therefore, people should mainly be concerned with protecting rare or endangered species of wild animals.

In conclusion, because it is impossible to protect every species of wild animal, I believe that priority should be given to saving those species which are in danger of becoming extinct.

272 words

Written by NgocBach

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Vocabulary from animal rights:

  • in the wild
    Meaning: in a natural environment not controlled by people
    Example: Animals in the wild are able to exhibit their natural behaviour.
  • a violation of animal rights
    Meaning: an action that harms or acts against animal rights
    Example: Animal lovers contend that showing cruelty to animals is unjustifiable because it is a violation of animal rights.
  • to treat animals humanely
    Meaning: to be kind to animals and treat them in such a way that they do not suffer
    Example: Some people feel that animals in zoos are not treated humanely.
  • animal exploitation
    Meaning: the use of animals in order to get an advantage from them
    Example: Animal exploitation can take various forms, including the testing of new drugs and cosmetic products on animals.
  • animal suffering
    Meaning: physical or mental pain that an animal is feeling
    Example: Some people believe that experimenting on animals is a way that we can fight and find cures for diseases, so they believe that this takes priority over animal suffering.
  • animal slaughter
    Meaning: the killing of animals for meat
    Example: Some vegetarians are opposed to eating meat because they do not agree with the slaughter of animals.
  • animal lovers
    Meaning: people who like animals very much, and feel love for them
    Example: Many people who claim to be animal lovers nevertheless eat meat.
  • to eliminate poaching
    Meaning: to stop all illegal hunting of wild animals
    Example: In wildlife reserves, guards should be employed to eliminate poaching and protect endangered species of animals.
  • wildlife reserves
    Meaning: protected areas for wild animals
    Example: The creation of wildlife reserves is essential to save animals such as tigers from extinction.
  • the practice of whaling
    Meaning: the activity of hunting and killing whales
    Example: In order to protect these beautiful creatures, the practice of whaling must be banned completely.
  • ethical dilemmas
    Meaning: a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things, relating to beliefs about what is morally right and wrong
    Example: Governments are facing ethical dilemmas surrounding the use of laboratory animals in experiments.

Vocabulary from the environment:

  • on the brink of extinction
    Meaning: an animal or plant which has almost disappeared from the planet
    Example: Before the captive breeding program in zoos, the giant panda was on the brink of extinction.
  • endangered species
    Meaning: plants or animals that only exist in very small numbers, so that in future they may disappear forever
    Example: One example of an endangered species is the lowland gorilla, which has almost disappeared as a result of the destruction of its forest habitat.

Other vocabulary:

  • to condemn [verb]:
    Meaning: to express very strong disapproval of something, especially for moral reasons
    Example: The government issued a statement condemning the killings.
  • to contaminate [verb]:
    Meaning: to make a substance or place dirty
    Example: The drinking water of the city was contaminated by chemicals from a factory.
  • priority [noun]:
    Meaning: something that you think is more important than other things, and therefore should be dealt with first
    Example: The priority of the new government is to improve the health service.