Hướng dẫn làm bài ĐỀ THI IELTS 23/03/2019
Hướng dẫn Task 1:
Report Plan:
- Paraphrase paragraph: show>illustrate; building>construction; give dates 1990 and 2000
- Overview/summary paragraph: (1) 1990 map – area of rare plants and animals (destroyed in 2000) (2) the villages were relocated in 2000
- Paragraph 3: report features of the 1990 map on the west and east sides of the river. Report what this area became in 2000 (a lake and hotel)
- Paragraph 4: report other features of the 2000 map, south of the lake: electricity pylons and the relocated villages
Hướng dẫn Task 2:
Essay Plan:
- Refer to the task question. My opinion: a positive development
- Paragraph 2 – negative aspect – increasing costs of looking after the elderly – it will be hard for governments to meet health costs
- Paragraph 3 – positive aspects (1) fewer jobs, due to technology, need to reduce the workforce (2) need to reduce world population – fewer young people – or face an environmental crisis
- Conclusion – although health care for the elderly is a problem, there are positive aspects to this trend (a reduced work force, less pressure on natural resources).