Hướng dẫn làm bài ĐỀ THI IELTS 20/12/2018
Hướng dẫn Task 1:
Report Plan:
- Paraphrase paragraph: chart>bar chart; shows>illustrates; the number of hours>how many hours; per week>each week
- Summary/overview paragraph: (1) the highest % worked from 31-50 hours (2) a higher % of men worked over 30 hours weekly
- Paragraph 3: compare proportions of men and women working up to 30 hours.
- Paragraph 4: compare proportions of men and women working 31 + hours per week.
Hướng dẫn Task 2:
Essay Plan:
- Introduction: refer to the task question. Own opinion: partly agree.
- Paragraph 2: reasons for agreement: (1) expensive – give UK example (2) parents impose discipline, students study harder
- Paragraph 3: reasons to study away from home: (1) fewer family distractions (2) become more involved in sports, drama, university social life.
- Conclusion: partly agree that it is better to live at home while studying, but there are also advantages of living away from home.