Lời giải ĐỀ THI IELTS 20/10/2019
Lời giải Task 1:
The diagram illustrates how part of a building is designed, including the location of the fire escapes.
Overall, it is clear that two stairways provide access to the fire exits. A corridor enables people in the bedrooms to reach the stairs.
The layout of this part of the building is rectangular. People who occupy bedrooms 1, 2 and 3 enter the central corridor and can then use the stairs which are marked in the bottom left corner of the diagram. These stairs lead to Fire Exit A.
To the right of Bedroom 3 on the plan, there is a lift. However, in the event of a fire, it is clear that this does not give access to Fire Exit B. The arrow indicates that people should use the stairs next to the lift to reach that fire escape. The occupants of Bedrooms 4, 5, 6 and 7 enter the corridor and then use the stairway which provides access to Fire Exit B.
162 words
Written by NgocBach
Lời giải Task 2:
It is true that different patterns of behaviour can be observed when people move to another country for work purposes.While some prefer to do this on their own and remit part of their salary to their family back home, many prefer to take their family with them. I believe that the benefits of taking the family outweigh the drawbacks.
On the one hand, moving alone to another country may have negative influences on individual families. If the man goes on his own to another country to find work, to earn more money to support a family, this leaves the woman to cope with the task of bringing up their offspring. It is very stressful to take on all the responsibilities of a single-parent household, even if there are members of the extended family who can help. The man himself, in the new country, may find himself lonely and isolated. Despite having supportive work colleagues, he may still spend part of his wages on drinking or gambling.
On the other hand, moving to another country as a family may benefit the children, in particular. Firstly, although they may at first be out of their depth in school, children very quickly pick up a new language. In the new country, there may be opportunities to qualify for entrance to top-tier institutions, which may have been denied them at home. They may be able to make the most of new educational opportunities. Secondly, when the family stays together, the children receive the emotional support that they need during their formative years.
In conclusion, I would argue that taking the family when going to another country to work is far more advantageous than leaving a wife and children behind.
286 words
Written by NgocBach
Ghi chú
Vocabulary from family and children:
- patterns of behavior
Meaning: ways of acting and doing things (either positive or negative)
Example: Patterns of behaviour copied from parents often influence the way that children grow up.
- negative influences on individual families
Meaning: negative meaning bad; influences meaning effects; on individual families refers to each nuclear family - a couple and their children, rather than families in general;
Example: Based on the research, the negative influences on individual families could be lessened with more support from the government.
- to support a family
Meaning: to have enough money to be able to look after a family
Example: Young people often delay marriage because they do not earn enough money to support a family.
- to bring up their offspring
Meaning: to bring up means to raise; this is what you do as a parent with your children; you educate them, nurture them, etc.; offspring refers to your children;
Example: They are bringing up their offspring in a very strict household.
- a single parent household
Meaning: a family in which one person takes care of their child or children without a husband, wife or partner
Example: As a result of changes in society, single parent households are no longer considered unusual.
- an extended family
Meaning: a family group with many members, including parents, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins etc
Example: In the past, the extended family was a form of support when any members were ill or suffered some misfortune.
- formative years
Meaning: A period of a person’s life, usually childhood, that has a big influence on the person they become later in life
Example: UNICEF states that the early childhood years from birth through age 8 are formative years in terms of intelligence, personality and social behavior.
Vocabulary from work:
- supportive work colleagues
Meaning: people that you work with who give you help and encouragement
Example: A very important aspect of job satisfaction is having supportive work colleagues.
Vocabulary from education:
- to be out of one’s depth
Meaning: to be unable to understand something because it is too difficult
Example: Streaming in schools enables pupils to study at the level which is appropriate for them, and therefore students rarely find themselves out of their depth.
- top-tier institutions
Meaning: leading or prestigious educational institutions
Example: The government has pumped huge amounts of money into a select group of top-tier institutions in recent years.
Vocabulary from business and money:
- to make the most of something
Meaning: to make something appear as good as possible; to exploit something; to get as much out of something as is possible.
Example: They designed the advertisements to make the most of the product's features.
Other vocabulary:
- to remit [verb]:
Meaning: to send money to a place or person
Example: He remitted half of his salary to support his family back home in Indonesia.
- to take on [phrasal verb]:
Meaning: to decide to do something or to agree to be responsible for somebody/something
Example: The doctor said that she was not taking on any new patients this year.
- to pick up [phrasal verb]:
Meaning: to get information or a skill by chance, not by making a big effort
Example: She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico.