Lời giải ĐỀ THI IELTS 06/07/2019
Lời giải Task 1:
The bar charts illustrate the proportion of Australian boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 14 who took part in drama, dancing, singing, playing musical instruments and sport in 2003.
Overall, it is clear that in 2003 a higher percentage of boys than girls participated in sport, whereas dancing was a much more popular activity among girls than boys.
In terms of organised cultural activities, the figures for boys and girls who took part in drama and singing were almost the same, at approximately 5% for each of these activities. However, while almost one-quarter of girls participated in dancing, the figure for boys was only 3%. By contrast, 15% of boys played musical instruments compared with 10% of girls.
There was a significant difference in the proportion of boys and girls who participated in sport. Although just over half of all girls played sport, the figure for boys was considerably higher at 70%.
155 words
Written by NgocBach
Lời giải Task 2:
It is true that in recent decades the increase in food miles has raised important environmental and economic issues.
While there are some drawbacks of consuming only food produced locally, I believe that the advantages of eating local food outweigh the disadvantages.
In terms of the environment, the transport of food across the world causes major problems. Firstly, the freight services responsible for shipping food from distant places cause pollution and hinder efforts to fight climate change by cutting down on emissions. For example, the transport of soya from Brazil to China involves a journey of thousands of kilometres. Secondly, crops for export are usually grown as monocultures, usually resulting in the habitat destruction of animals and plants, including endangered species. Deforestation in the Amazon, for instance, to raise cattle for beef exports, is causing the loss of thousands of species and putting other species on the brink of extinction.
From an economic perspective, there are benefits and drawbacks of only eating food which is grown locally. On the one hand, if consumers buy food from local farmers, then this stimulates the local economy. More money will remain within the local community rather than lining the pockets of distant shareholders. On the other hand, thanks to the globalisation of food production, the market provides a vast choice of products for the consumer. If people eat only local foods, they will be able to enjoy only a limited range of food items which are in season.
In conclusion, although consumers will only have the choice of particular foods at certain times of the year, I would argue that it is better for the environment and the economy to eat as many food products which are grown locally as possible.
288 words
Written by NgocBach
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Vocabulary from the environment:
- food miles
Meaning: Distance food has to travel between where it is grown or made and where it is consumed
Example: We can all reduce our carbon footprint by flying less, and reduce our food miles by buying local products.
- to fight climate change
Meaning: To try to prevent changes in climate patterns, such as rainfall, temperature and winds.
Example: Unless we consume less of the Earth’s natural resources, it will be impossible to fight climate change and safeguard our future.
- to cut down on emissions
Meaning: to reduce the amount of gases sent out into the air
Example: People must be made aware of the need to cut down on emissions from their cars if we are to reduce air pollution.
- habitat destruction
Meaning: the process that occurs when a natural habitat, like a forest or wetland, is changed so dramatically by humans that plants and animals which live there.
Example: The elephant population in the world is declining because of habitat destruction caused by human exploitation of the environment.
- endangered species
Meaning: plants or animals that only exist in very small numbers, so that in future they may disappear forever
Example: One example of an endangered species is the lowland gorilla, which has almost disappeared as a result of the destruction of its forest habitat.
- on the brink of extinction
Meaning: an animal or plant which has almost disappeared from the planet
Example: Before the captive breeding program in zoos, the giant panda was on the brink of extinction.
Vocabulary from transportation:
- freight services
Meaning: the system of transporting goods
Example: Railways must provide more freight services in order to reduce the number of trucks on the roads.
Other vocabulary:
- monoculture [noun]:
Meaning: the practice of growing only one type of crop on a certain area of land
Example: Crops such as soya, sugar and coffee have usually been grown as monocultures on vast areas of land. - to line one’s pockets [expression]:
Meaning: to get richer by taking unfair advantage of a situation or by being dishonest
Example: Drug companies are lining their pockets with the discovery of new drugs to cure various types of cancer.
- shareholder [noun]:
Meaning: an owner of shares in a company or business
Example: He has attracted new shareholders to invest in his company.
- in season [expression]:
Meaning: (of fruit and vegetables) easily available and ready to eat because it is the right time of year for them
Example: It is the end of June in the UK, and stawberries are now in season.